27.4 - 08
Ibland så känns det som om allting går igen.
Och mina drömmar står som blommor i asfalten.
Samma gamla misstag, samma fällor en gång till.
Och trots goda intentioner blir det aldrig riktigt som man vill.
Inte ännu en repris, jag stannar upp och känner hur jag fryser till is.
26.4 - 08
Well I don't expect;
The world to move underneath me
but for God's sake
could you try?
23.4 - 08
Even though we're far apart;
We still merge together so well.
Saknar dig <3
21.4 - 08
I should have walked the line;
but I didn't.
19.4 - 08
You divided me into pieces;
Took the best one with you and left.
And here I am, broken and alone.
10.4 - 08
© Louise Ottosson
I can't be your heroine;
all I can give you is a peace of an imperfect heart.
10.4 - 08
Music is my language.
10.4 - 08
Even the best fall down sometimes.
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme.
I'll somehow find, you and I, collide.
8.4 - 08
You make me feel like a million bucks;
Yes you do.
Yes you do.
5.4 - 08
walk with me.
1.4 - 08
- I see the rhythm painting in circles all around us.